Summary of New Features

A&D Version 1.61 provides the following 18 new features and improvements added since our release of A&D Version 1.56 and the prior editions:

  1. Hyperlink jumping now simplifies and greatly speeds movement between records.  Faster and easier than a mouse, it reduces the need to memorize or write down record numbers.  You can hyperlink jump whenever when you are in add or change mode, and your cursor is on any field that contains a record-number link.  Just lightly tap (that is, press and release) either of the two Control (Ctrl) keys on your keyboard.  You will instantly go to the linked record.

    You can hyperlink jump from any of 118 data fields within the A&D record types.  Specifically, hyperlinks are now active at:

  2. Three new word commands are available when you are at an Individual record:  Spouse, Husband, and Wife.  If you enter one of these commands at "Enter desired option:", you will be instantly leave the current individual and be taken to his or her Primary Spouse.  As with any word command, you only need to enter the first three characters of the command (that is, SPO, HUS, or WIF).

  3. The Home key now returns you to your last anchor record.  (The setting of anchor records is described in paragraph 4 below.)  Pressing the Home key instantly takes you back to your most-recent anchor or starting point.  For example, if you are at a Relationship record, you can use the Ctrl key to hyperlink jump to the husband's Individual record — and then touch the Home key to return back to that Relationship record.

    Exception:  The Home key works differently after you press F11 to add or change a text Note.  As before, pressing the Home key while you are in a Note returns you to position 1 in line 1 of that Note.

  4. A&D now automatically identifies and remembers an anchor record for later use when you press the Home key.  An anchor is first set when you go to an Individual, Relationship, Household, or Source record from menu Screen 20, 30, 40, or 50.  The first record you select is the initial anchor for a session.  That anchor is reset to the current record whenever you press a Ctrl key or enter a father, mother, spouse, husband, or wife word command.

    For example, to set John Smith (Individual 123) as an anchor, go to Individual record 123 and enter one of the five word commands or press Ctrl at Field 28, 29, 33, or 38 through 49.  Then, even if you visit or change hundreds of other records, the anchor lets you return to Individual 123 at any time by just touching the Home key.

  5. In addition to regular households, you can now quickly and easily add cemeteries and source repositories as records in your Households file.  Field 4 lets you identify these two new Household Types.

  6. Once you have created a cemetery record (for example, record 123) within your Households file and have identified each of your relatives who is buried there, just enter the word command Print123 to print A&D's new "Cemetery Record".  This report shows each person's birth year, death year and approximation code, whether or not there is a grave marker (G/M), and the Section ID of the burial location.  This is a great report to confirm that you have accurately input and linked all of your relatives' data from a cemetery.

  7. When at Individual Screen 22 or 23, key F7 now lets you view all of the households (residences) linked to the current individual.  For each linked household, you will see the name(s) of the head(s) of the household, the address, city/town, country/state, ZIP/postal code, telephone number, and the family's move-in and move-out year.  Up to four households are shown at once.  Press any key to see the next four, etc.  Ten, 20, or even 100 of a person's residences can be seen in this way.  Normally, the last household for a living person will be his or her current residence — and for a deceased person it will be the cemetery where he or she was buried.

  8. When at Relationship Screen 32 or 33, key F7 now lets you view all of the households (residences) in which that husband and wife jointly resided.  Complete address, telephone, and move-year information is shown as described above.

  9. The "Household Numbers" Report 47 option has been expanded into five options, each of which prints one report.  The five reports have identical formats, but list different sets of Household records.  For example, to print lists of cemeteries or source repositories, go to Screen 47 and select option 4 or 5, respectively.

  10. Report 482 "Household Addresses" now includes the Source Numbers for each of the households listed in that report.

  11. Two important new printed reports have been added:  "Individual Households Record" Report 651, and "Relationship Households Record" Report 652.  The first (Report 651) prints all of the households for a person in chronological order, complete with all of the text notes that you have entered for those households.  It also includes a Sources summary page that lists all of your Source documents for those households.  (The Sources summary page is similar to the Sources summary page printed with Family Group Sheets.)  Report 652 is similar to Report 651, except that it prints all of the households data for a couple.

  12. Source screens now include a new "Repository" field.  This lets you link each Source record to the place where you found the information — whether it was a government or LDS repository, a cemetery, your home, or the home of a relative.  Just enter the appropriate Household Number in Field 10.  The repository's name, address, city, state, and postal code will instantly appear on the screen — and will also print in the "Source Record" report.

  13. When at Individual Screen 22 or 23, key F8 now lets you view 3-, 4-, or 5-generation pedigree charts and directly navigate through the individual records.  That is, you can move from the current record of an individual to the record of any of his or her direct ancestors or primary descendants.

  14. Part of the "Source Description" field is automatically filled in when you enter U.S., Canadian, British, or Scottish census data.  This occurs the instant that you enter a "Source Type" code for a census in Field 2.

  15. Descendants reports now detect if any of the descendants' Relationship records have no entries in Fields 2 or 3.  Error message 176 will tell you which record needs to be corrected.

  16. In addition to all of its previous GEDCOM capabilities, A&D can now import GEDCOM data from Family Origins Versions 6 and 7; Family Tree Maker Versions 4, 5, and 6; Personal Ancestral File Version 3.0; The Master Genealogist (TMG); and Ultimate Family Tree (UFT).

  17. Ten help screens were updated, and new "Notes" windows were added to Submenus 40, 60, and 70, to assist new users.  Screen 97 now provides a guide to the seven blank forms that A&D can print, and Screen 98 now provides a guide and alphabetical index to 96 types of standard reports that you can print with A&D.

  18. The John F. Kennedy Family History, provided as A&D's Tutorial, has been extensively updated and greatly expanded.  It now covers 503 individuals, 161 relationships, 51 aliases, 94 sources, plus a total of 51 households, cemeteries, and source repositories.

A few pending features are not yet included in this version of A&D and are stubbed out.  Our next version is already in development.  See Screen 92 for more information on future releases and plans.

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